Pre-registration Interreg Flanders-Netherlands

Pre-registration Interreg Flanders-Netherlands

Does your innovative project cross borders? The Future helps you with your application for a subsidy from Interreg Flanders – the Netherlands.

To promote cooperation within Europe, the EU has set up the Interreg subsidy programs for border regions in Europe. For the Netherlands and Belgium, one of these programs is Interreg Flanders – the Netherlands, where cross-border collaborations between Dutch and Flemish parties can obtain subsidies. Four priorities have been defined: Innovation, Sustainable Energy, Environment and Labor Market.

The next deadline for submitting a pre-proposal is February 9th, 2023. If approved (expected mid-May 2023), a full application should be submitted no later than 6 October 2023. The result of the full application is expected end of December 2023.

Preparing a good application takes time. The Future has a lot of experience in supervising and developing applications for Interreg programs and can also support you in this. Feel free to contact us at or via the contact form on our website to explore the possibilities.