National Growth Fund application: Future-proof Living Environment

National Growth Fund application: Future-proof Living Environment

At the end of October 2021, BTIC (now: TKI Bouw & Techniek) submitted an application to the National Growth Fund in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and 187 unique partners from the design, construction and technology sector. For one of the six starting consortia within this program, aimed at renovation construction, The Future coordinated the elaboration of the plans and budget amounting to 35 million euros, including the commitment of the 41 project partners.
The investment program ‘Future-proof Living Environment: Transition to Emission-free, Circular and Climate-proof Buildings and Infrastructure’ has six starting consortia (sub-programmes), a size of approximately 800 million euros and requires a contribution of 325 million euros as an impulse investment from the National Growth Fund.
The aim of the six start-up consortia is to solve innovation barriers and build a well-functioning, self-reinforcing innovation ecosystem for construction. An ecosystem in which parties innovate together and produce a continuous stream of innovative technologies, products, services and tender forms. The start-up consortia focus on, among other things, bio-based construction, scaling up new construction and data-driven management and maintenance of critical infrastructures.
The start-up consortium, supervised by The Future, entitled (in Dutch) ‘New renovation chains & skills’, focuses on developing, testing and validating a new chain approach for housing renovations – in particular the industrialization of sustainability measures – and recruiting and skills-based training of professionals required for home renovations. For this consortium, led by the Municipality of Amsterdam, The Future coordinated the creation of the project plan and the budget in three months, secured the co-financing of the 41 partners and worked out the accompanying documents.
The result is a project plan with a duration of 7 years and a budget of 35 million euros (of which 15 million euros in subsidy and 20 million euros in co-financing), including written commitment from all parties involved, both the 41 co-financers and the other support providers.
The entire program was allocated a reservation from the National Growth Fund in April 2022.