PSV Top Performance Center (TPC)

PSV Top Performance Center (TPC)

PSV, Philips and the Anna Zorggroep defined a joint ambition to collect and facilitate innovations in the field of (sports) performance and vitality under one roof: the PSV Top Performance Center (TPC). This is a great ambition, but how do you translate it into concrete plans? The Future was called in since April 2021 to support the realization, realization and financing of the PSV TPC.

The Future provided structured support in the process of concretising and realizing the PSV TPC, resulting in a clear business plan and investment and operating budget (including financing) as a result of the joint effort. The processes and structures with regard to innovation management and portfolio management, which also serve as blueprints for innovation management in a general sense within the rest of the PSV organization.

To achieve this, The Future drew up the long-term roadmap with the parties, then obtained internal and external funding (105,000 euros) and achieved commitment from the directors of the three parties for the first step in this roadmap: the feasibility study for the PSV TPC.

In this feasibility study, The Future guided the partners in the implementation of the PSV TPC in accordance with ISO 56002. We started with an external and internal context analysis: what are the trends and needs in the environment and what are the individual interests of the partners at the PSV TPC? What is it that everyone brings and gets? Subsequently, an innovation vision and strategy was defined: what do we want to achieve together and how are we going to achieve that? But also: how are we going to finance this structurally and sustainably? What is the (non-profit or profitable) revenue model?

To this end, it has been decided that within the PSV TPC, medical examinations and other (non-insured) services must also be provided by the Anna Zorggroep. This not only brings innovations close to practice, but also offers an income stream that can be used for the structural financing of innovation projects within the initiative.

Parallel to this, an innovation policy has been drawn up: what do we do, and what not? This has been translated into concrete, measurable objectives and then into the necessary structures, roles and infrastructure. We then looked at the work processes, both the operational and the supporting processes, and what they mean in terms of the required human and infrastructural capacity, but also in terms of costs and revenues. With this overall picture of the PSV TPC, the investment budget and operating budget were finally drawn up in order to arrive at a complete business plan as the end result of the feasibility study.