Sustainable Wood Stove, Good for You

Sustainable Wood Stove, Good for You

Sustainable Wood Stove, Good for You

We all want the world to become greener. Our country is covered with solar panels and windmills, generating green energy. However, the supply of this weather-dependent green energy is not in balance with the high demand for (sustainable) heat in winter. Precisely because of this, fossil fuels are still indispensable for heating our homes.

Oddly enough, nature has long had a solution. Trees have been the batteries of solar energy for centuries. Wood is abundantly available, is CO2 neutral, is super sustainable, and is independent of weather conditions.

Even now, as energy becomes more expensive, wood stoves are an attractive alternative. Woodfire provides warmth and atmosphere, and wood is an affordable sustainable energy source. The downside of burning wood is the emission of particulate matter. This is caused by the incomplete combustion of wood in ordinary stoves, leaving behind soot particles and particulate matter.

With the help of The Future, Stokem Stoves has received financing for the development of a wood stove that has higher efficiency and simultaneously significantly reduces the emissions of particulate matter and CO. How? Through an advanced design with the addition of a secondary burner, which controls the afterburning process.

This development is co-financed by the SIR scheme from the Province of North Brabant. Interested? Contact: Thomas Luimes